Stephen Timms is the Labour Member of Parliament for East Ham and a firm supporter of the Renewal Programme.
I have lived in Newham since 1978, becoming the MP for East Ham in 1994, and have been aware of the Renewal Programme pretty much since I moved here. I strongly support the charity, it’s mission, vision and values (dignity, inclusion, collaboration and empowerment).
I have particularly welcomed the Renewal Programme’s recent provision of immigration advice, for which there is a desperate need in the Borough. I feel even more connected to a former Renewal Programme project – Trinity Centre – which is now autonomous, of which I am a weekly user.
Peter Laing, CEO of the Renewal Programme, is the member of staff I know best, however I have enjoyed my recent interactions with other members of the organisation.
The Renewal Programme is a long term provider of invaluable support in our community, with a strong foundation in Christian beliefs.
Stephen Timms MP