50 Years, 50 Faces: Yogarani

Yogarani – or Rani, as she is affectionately known by other members of staff – has worked at the Renewal Programme for 13 years as one of our incredible Receptionists. She is a Newham resident but originally found out about the Renewal Programme when it occupied many buildings within the borough.
When Rani isn’t working, she likes walking, visiting the many green spaces and parks Newham has to offer and watching the news.
Rani’s role means she is often the first face service users see when they visit the building and many often comment on how helpful and caring she is. She is a true asset to the organisation.
Out of the four values, I think empowerment is the most important. Working on Reception, I see first hand how much better people can feel once they’ve received help.
Over the years, although the charity has downsized logistically, Rani has seen first hand the importance of the work the organisation does, stating that she has seen almost 700 people (in one week) seek our help and support.
The Food Bank and Community Hub are both very close to Rani’s heart, as she welcomes attendees when they arrive.
I love working with Smita (Receptionist) and we have formed a very close bond. The two other people who stand out to me are Melanie (Volunteer Coordinator) and Victoria (Digital Marketing and Communications Manager).
To Rani, the Renewal Programme is a helping hand to those we help. Whether they need help with documentation, or advice, or are looking for activities to help them socialise, Rani believes our services are popular because we cater for various age groups. There is something for everyone at the Renewal Programme.