Want to stay up to date on what is currently happening at the Renewal Programme and find out what’s happening?
Here you can find our current events, services, and projects.
Make sure to check regularly so you don’t miss out!
Activities running in the building:
- Food Bank
- Community cafe
- Green Doctors Energy Advice
- Digital Hub
Activities running in the building:
- Warm Meals
- Chess Club
Activities running in the building:
- Free Chess Lessons
Activities running in the building:
- Food Bank
- Community Cafe
- Digital Hub
Activities running in the building:
Manor Park Oasis
The Renewal Programme has recently taken over the vacant site next door to our headquarters for temporary community use! 🍀
We have been going wild with ideas at the Renewal Programme, but we want to hear from you first. What would you like to see? How can we use this space to benefit the local community? Are you an organisation or business that would like to collaborate with us?
Thank you to everyone who had their say in The Big Vote, because of your time, kindness and help – we did it!
The Renewal Programme is proud to announce that we have received £20k funding to develop our Manor Park Oasis
Community Hot Meals
As part of our Stay Warm in Newham Project we are serving hot meals and providing a warm space, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday!
Once a month our Warm Welcome Host, Luis, puts on his Chef hat and teaches attendees to make simple, delicious dishes with our food bank ingredients

Community Charged Energy Champion
As an extension of our Stay Warm in Newham project, we’re reaching out into our community to further help Newham residents take control of their energy bills.