Umi has been volunteering with the Renewal Programme for the past five years!
Throughout her time with us she has been, and continues to be, a real pillar of our bi-weekly Food Bank. She has also helped out on many other occasions, sorting out toy donations or wrapping up Christmas presents for local children for example.
Every Tuesday and Friday, Umi is one of the first people in the hall before 9.30am. You’ll see her rushing around, setting up shop, carrying boxes of fruit and vegetables, packing bags full of tins and packets, so that everything is ready when the doors open at 11am.
The Food Bank is open to the public for three hours. As people come in, Umi and her team make sure they get their weekly bag full of food. At 2pm, there’s still sorting and cleaning to be done to make sure food is correctly stored and the hall is cleared for other projects. A model of punctuality and reliability, Umi, with her calm presence, keeps the engine going, behind the scenes.
If you know her, you’ll know she shines in her modesty. Umi is quiet but we want to take this opportunity to say it loud and clear: thank you Umi, you’re amazing!